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Useful Drupal commands

  • Drupal

Here are a list of commands that come in handy when developing in Drupal.

  • It's really common to have a workflow in Drupal that uses the commands `updb` `cr` `cim` `cr` consequently. I don't know why it took me so long to discover this command so I am posting this. This command runs all of the previous commands in a single line, it saves so much time!
    Drush deploysh
    drush @deploy
  • Importing a .sql file into a Drupal installation. First we'll drop the current database as we're importing a new version. Then we'll pass the .sql file into the `drush sql-cli` command.
    Importing Drupal dump into database
    drush sql-drop -y
    drush sql-cli < ~/path/to/db-file.sql
  • Logging into a Drupal instance when you've lost your password and don't want to go through the process of
    Drush command to login to /user/login areash
    drush user-login
    # Shorthand
    drush uli
    # Login as username ryan
    drush uli --name=ryan
    # Login as user with email address [email protected]
    drush uli  [email protected]
    # Login with user id 2
    drush uli --uid=2